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Union Bill
DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
Entry from the DCHP-1 (pre-1967)
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a bill for the uniting of Upper Canada and Lower Canada, first drawn up in 1822 and eventually passed in 1840 as the Union Act.
The meeting is for the express purpose of taking measures to lay before the mother country a statement of the necessities of these provinces to a political point of view, and to petition for the passing of the Union Bill.
The prominent object of interest is, of course, the Union Bill.
In spite of Ellice's protests, the Union Bill was well and duly shelved in 1823, and filed away in the records of Downing street, whence it was to be brought forth eighteen years later.
As for the Union Bill, so pregnant a proof of race conflict, with twenty-five troublous years of agitation to follow, the histories dismiss it briefly.